Have you been experiencing symptoms of hearing loss or hearing damage? Do you having tinnitus, or ringing of the ears? Do you have trouble hearing in crowds? Chances are you have some amount of hearing loss.

Many people put off having a hearing evaluation because they're afraid to invest in hearing technology. The good news is that at Hearing Solutions, our hearing evaluations are absolutely free, so you can find out whether or not you need hearing aids without having to invest today. 

If you do decide to invest in a hearing aid, we have many different options available, and we also offer financing options. When it comes to hearing health, getting your hearing tested is necessary for preventing other health concerns. Read more to find out why you should have your hearing tested.

Untreated hearing loss leads to other complications

Hearing loss has a direction correlation with your overall cognitive, mental, and physical health.

Since hearing is actually one of the many important functions fulfilled by the brain, untreated hearing loss can affect more than just your hearing. When your brain gets out of the habit of translating sound waves into emotions and thoughts that let us know we are in danger, or that we're surrounded by friends and family, our brain loses its ability to function as well as it should.

In much the same way that brain puzzles and cognitive exercises can improve your brain function, hearing is an exercise that gets your brain's muscles moving and keeps them in shape.

A study done by the University of Colorado determined that hearing loss can actually redirect your brain's ability to hear to other senses, such as vision and touch, so while you may be able to rely more on touch and sight, your hearing will only deteriorate the longer it is left untreated.


Studies have shown that there is a direct link between individuals with prolonged periods of untreated hearing loss and the development of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. In fact, recent studies by the Lancet Commission on Dementia Prevention found that treating your hearing loss can actually diminish your chances of developing dementia and Alzheimer's disease. So if you're looking for a reason to get a free hearing consultation, consider the return on investment your friends and family will receive when you invest in a hearing aid that will provide them more quality time with their loved ones.

1. Hearing Loss and Coordination

One of the most concerning side effects of hearing loss is the simultaneous loss of coordination. Because your hearing is inextricably tied to the functions of your inner ear that control balance and coordination, the loss of one can easily affect the other.

Studies have shown that falls are the leading cause of accidental death for seniors aged 65 and older, and according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Medicare costs for fall-related injuries and deaths totaled more than $31 billion in 2015.

study by the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and the National Institute of Aging also found that even minor cases of hearing loss can lead to falls and accidental deaths and that the risk increases 140 percent for every ten decibels of hearing loss sustained. In the same study, participants who wore a hearing aid were able to maintain their balance for twice as long as when their hearing aids were turned off.

2. Hearing Loss and Emotional Wellbeing

The state of your hearing also affects the state of your mental health. Researchers conducting a study at the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders reported that as many as eleven percent of people with undiagnosed or untreated hearing loss had mental health disorders like depression and anxiety, compared to only five percent of the general population.

Another study by the National Council on Aging reported that adults with hearing loss were more likely to be diagnosed with depression and anxiety which prevented them from participating in activities and events.

3. Hearing Loss and Relationships

Does your spouse ever become frustrated with you when you watch TV? Do they claim to be bothered by the noise level of televisions, radios, and other noisy devices? Do you have to ask others to repeat themselves often? Do you have trouble conversing with others because of your inability to understand what they're saying?

Hearing loss doesn't just affect you and your body. It also affects those around you, including your dearest loved ones, friends, coworkers, and even strangers you encounter at the grocery store, restaurants, etc.

If you're unwilling to invest in hearing aids for your own sake, speaking with those around you about whether or not you hearing aids may improve their quality of life may be worth considering. 

According to a Cochlear America survey, spouses and significant others tend to report the highest levels of unhappiness regarding their loved one's hearing loss, but other family, friends, and coworkers also notice a difference and feel the hearing loss has impacted their lives in some way. Another study came to the surprising conclusion that a lack of communication stemming from hearing loss was actually the root cause of many failed relationships and divorces among seniors and the elderly.

Friends and family may experience many things as a result of your hearing loss, including:

  •  frustration
  • resentment
  • loneliness
  • communication difficulties
  • a reduction in shared activities
  • loss of companionship

Schedule Your Free Hearing Evaluation Today

Hearing loss can affect your mental, physical, and emotional well-being as well as the quality of life of those around you. To find out whether or not you and your loved ones may benefit from hearing technology, schedule a free hearing evaluation today.