How does hearing loss impact your loved ones?

Hearing loss is an inevitable part of aging. For adults over the age of 60, hearing loss is simply a condition that one must adapt to. From televisions that are too loud to having to repeat oneself multiple times in conversation, the reality is that the loved ones of those who suffer from hearing loss are experiencing the effects as well. The longer you are in denial about hearing loss, the longer your family and friends will suffer from the consequences.

Many of our patients have told us that their spouses, children, or grandchildren were instrumental in persuading them to have their hearing tested. At Hearing Solutions Memphis, we provide complimentary hearing consultations to help you understand exactly how much hearing loss you have and which hearing aid models will best suit your level of loss. 


How do I talk to my loved one about hearing aids?

Are you a family member or friend suffering from the collateral damage caused by hearing loss? Here are a few ways to help them through the process.

1. Remind them of your love for them.

When your loved one is suffering from hearing loss, the most important thing you can do is remind them of how loved and important they are. Making fun of their hearing loss, joking about their need to ask others to repeat themselves, and not taking the time to understand how they're feeling and what they're experiencing only makes the situation worse. 

2. Help them see the importance of making hearing health a priority.

Just like every other aspect of your health, it's important to take care of your hearing health. It's believed that the body and the brain can suffer physical damage from the effects of hearing loss. Studies have even shown a link between untreated hearing loss and dementia as well as mental health disorders.

Your loved one may find it hard to come to terms with the idea that they need to make their hearing health a priority, but helping them understand how needed they are, and how devastating it would be for their family and friends to be without them, can help them see the importance of taking care of their overall health in general.

>> READ MORE: The Link Between Hearing Loss and Chronic Pain

3. Talk to them about how their hearing loss impacts others.

If your loved one is suffering from hearing loss and you are suffering from the fallout, it may be time to talk to them about considering hearing loss treatment. Many patients who undergo hearing loss treatment do so because of their loved ones' experiences, including:

  • Being asked to repeat oneself
  • Having to turn down the volume on a television or radio
  • Having to speak louder, especially on the telephone or in crowded places

Speak to your loved one without being judgmental or condescending to show them that their wellbeing is your main priority rather than any inconvenience.

4. Do the research.

Helping your loved one understand what they're experiencing and helping provide research that is unbiased and science-based can help them make informed decisions about their hearing loss without feeling pressured to do so. 

5. Be supportive.

If possible, consider attending the complimentary hearing consultation with your loved on to help them feel supported and understood. Having a friend or family member there to take notes can also help the hearing impaired. You might even consider having your own hearing tested in order to help them understand the difference in frequency loss. 

Schedule Your Complimentary Hearing Consultation in Memphis

If you're ready to learn more about hearing loss, schedule an appointment for a complimentary hearing consultation with Hearing Solutions Memphis to learn more about your individual hearing loss and treatment options.